La búsqueda del término arriba ha obtenido 26 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
arriba (adv adj) [up the stairs; on a higher floor or level] nach oben (adv adj) [up the stairs; on a higher floor or level]
arriba (adv adj) [up the stairs; on a higher floor or level] treppauf (adv adj) [up the stairs; on a higher floor or level]
arriba (adv prep adj n v) [away from earth’s surface] empor (adv prep adj n v) [away from earth’s surface]
arriba (o) [lugar] zuoberst (o) [lugar]
arriba (prep adv adj n) [in a higher place] höher (prep adv adj n) [in a higher place]
arriba (o) [en lo alto] in der Luft (o) [en lo alto]
arriba (o) [en lo alto] hoch oben (o) [en lo alto]
arriba (o) [dirección] die Treppe hinauf (o) [dirección]
arriba (prep adv adj n) [in a higher place] darüber (prep adv adj n) [in a higher place]
arriba (a) hinauf (a)
arriba (adv adj) [up the stairs; on a higher floor or level] herauf (adv adj) [up the stairs; on a higher floor or level]
arriba (prep adv adj n) [earlier in order in writing] vorher (prep adv adj n) [earlier in order in writing]
arriba (o) [superficie] drauf (o) [superficie]
arriba (prep adv adj n) [earlier in order in writing] früher (prep adv adj n) [earlier in order in writing]
arriba (o) [dirección] nach oben (o) [dirección]
arriba (adv prep adj n v) [away from earth’s surface] nach oben (adv prep adj n v) [away from earth’s surface]
arriba (prep adv adj n) [in or to a higher place] über (prep adv adj n) [in or to a higher place]
arriba (n) auf (n)
arriba (o) [superficie] darauf (o) [superficie]
arriba (adv adj) [up the stairs; on a higher floor or level] oben (adv adj) [up the stairs; on a higher floor or level]
arriba (o) [posición] oben (o) [posición]
arriba (o) [lugar] oben (o) [lugar]
arriba (prep adv adj n) [in a higher place] oben (prep adv adj n) [in a higher place]
arriba (o) [dirección] oben (o) [dirección]
arriba (o) [casa] oben (o) [casa]
arriba (adv prep adj n v) [away from earth’s surface] oben (adv prep adj n v) [away from earth’s surface]