La búsqueda del término grano ha obtenido 14 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
grano (n) [piel] {m} Mal (n) {n} [piel]
grano (n) [agricultura] {m} Getreide (n) {n} [agricultura]
grano (n) {m} Korn (n) {n}
grano (n) [agricultura] {m} Korn (n) {n} [agricultura]
grano (n) [botánica] {m} Korn (n) {n} [botánica]
ES Español DE Alemán
grano (n v) [harvested seeds of various grass-related food crops] {m} Korn (n v) {n} [harvested seeds of various grass-related food crops]
grano (n v) [measure of coarseness] {m} Korn (n v) {n} [measure of coarseness]
grano (n v) [single seed of grain] {m} Korn (n v) {n} [single seed of grain]
grano (n) [substancia] {m} Korn (n) {n} [substancia]
grano (n v) [single seed of grain] {m} Körnchen (n v) {n} [single seed of grain]
grano (n) {m} Pickel (n) {m}
grano (n) [medicina] {m} Pickel (n) {m} [medicina]
grano (n v) [incrustation over a wound] {m} Schorf (n v) {m} [incrustation over a wound]
grano (n v) [measure of coarseness] {m} Körnung (n v) {f} [measure of coarseness]
ES Sinónimos de grano DE Traducciones
tumor [inflamación] m Tumor {m}
hinchazón [inflamación] f Schwellung {f}
flemón [inflamación] m Eiterbeule
forúnculo [inflamación] m Furunkel {m}
absceso [inflamación] m Eiterbeule
espinilla [acné] f Tibia (n v)
comedón [granito] m Mitesser {m}
acné [granito] m Akne {f}
erupción [granito] f Vulkanausbruch {m}
barro [granito] m Ton {m}
granito [barro] m Granit {m}
sebo [barro] m Schöpsentalg (n)
inflorescencia [barro] Blütenstand {m}
divieso [absceso] m Furunkel {m}
semilla [embrión] f Saat {f}
rudimento [embrión] m Überbleibsel (n)
feto [embrión] m Fötus {m}
huevo [embrión] m Ei {n}
germen [embrión] m Keim {m}
rulo [bolita] m Lockenwickel {f}