La búsqueda del término igualmente ha obtenido 17 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
igualmente (adv) [in an equal manner] gleichmäßig (adv) [in an equal manner]
igualmente (phrase) [I wish to you what you have just wished to me] auch so (phrase) [I wish to you what you have just wished to me] (phrase)
igualmente (o) [resultado] genauso gut (o) [resultado]
igualmente (o) [tanto] gleich viel (o) [tanto]
igualmente (o) [tanto] ebenso sehr (o) [tanto]
igualmente (o) [general] gleicherweise (o) [general]
igualmente (o) [resultado] gleichermaßen (o) [resultado]
igualmente (adv) [in an equal manner] gleichermaßen (adv) [in an equal manner]
igualmente (o) [general] gleichermaßen (o) [general]
igualmente (adv) [in a similar style or manner] ähnlich (adv) [in a similar style or manner]
igualmente (phrase) [I wish to you what you have just wished to me] gleichfalls (phrase) [I wish to you what you have just wished to me]
igualmente (a) gleichfalls (a)
igualmente (a) ebenso (a)
igualmente (phrase) [I wish to you what you have just wished to me] ebenfalls (phrase) [I wish to you what you have just wished to me]
igualmente (a) ebenfalls (a)
igualmente (adv) [in an equal manner] gleich (adv) [in an equal manner]
igualmente (o) [adverbio] gleich (o) [adverbio]
ES Sinónimos de igualmente DE Traducciones
literalmente [fielmente] letterlik