La búsqueda del término jene ha obtenido 34 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
jene (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] aquélla (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]
jene (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated] aquello (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated]
jene (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated] eso (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated]
jene (o) [Demonstrativpronomen - Pl.] aquéllas (o) [Demonstrativpronomen - Pl.]
jene (o) [Demonstrativpronomen - Pl.] aquéllos (o) [Demonstrativpronomen - Pl.]
jene (o) [Demonstrativpronomen - Pl.] ésas (o) [Demonstrativpronomen - Pl.]
jene (o) [Demonstrativpronomen - Pl.] ésos (o) [Demonstrativpronomen - Pl.]
jene (a) [indikatives Determinativ - Pl.] aquellas (a) [indikatives Determinativ - Pl.]
jene (a) [indikatives Determinativ - Pl.] aquellos (a) [indikatives Determinativ - Pl.]
jene (a) [indikatives Determinativ - Pl.] esas (a) [indikatives Determinativ - Pl.]
jene (a) [indikatives Determinativ - Pl.] esos (a) [indikatives Determinativ - Pl.]
jene ese
jene (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] ésa (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]
jene (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] aquél (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]
jene (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] ése (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]
jene (a) [indikatives Determinativ - sing.] ese (a) [indikatives Determinativ - sing.]
jene (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated] ese (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated]
jene (a) [indikatives Determinativ - sing.] esa (a) [indikatives Determinativ - sing.]
jene (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated] esa (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated]
jene (a) [indikatives Determinativ - sing.] aquel (a) [indikatives Determinativ - sing.]
jene (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated] aquel (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated]
jene (a) [indikatives Determinativ - sing.] aquella (a) [indikatives Determinativ - sing.]
jene (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated] aquella (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated]
jene (o) [demonstrativ] ése (o) [demonstrativ]
jene (o) [demonstrativ] aquél (o) [demonstrativ]
jene esa
jene esos
jene esas
jene eso
jene aquel
jene aquella
jene aquellos
jene aquellas
jene aquello

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de jene ES Traducciones
solch [von dieser Art] alike
dergleichen [von dieser Art] suchlike (informal)
derlei [von dieser Art] that sort of
solcherlei [von dieser Art] such
diese [von dieser Art] these
so [von dieser Art] this