La búsqueda del término no ha obtenido 18 resultados
ES | Español | DE | Alemán | |
| no (contraction n) [do not] | | nicht (contraction n) [do not] | |
| no (int adj) [used as a tag question] | | ne (int adj) [used as a tag question] | |
| no (adj) [not chromatically pure] | | ungesättigt (adj) [not chromatically pure] | |
| no (adj) [having one or more double bonds or triple bonds between carbon atoms] | | ungesättigt (adj) [having one or more double bonds or triple bonds between carbon atoms] | |
| no (adj) [capable of dissolving more solute] | | ungesättigt (adj) [capable of dissolving more solute] | |
ES | Español | DE | Alemán | |
| no (int adj) [used as a tag question] | | gell (int adj) [used as a tag question] | |
| no (n) | | Nein (n) {n} | |
| no (int adj) [used as a tag question] | | nicht wahr (int adj) [used as a tag question] | |
| no (o) [general] | | nicht (o) [general] | |
| no (n) [not to like something] | | ablehnen (n) [not to like something] | |
| no (n) | | nicht (n) | |
| no (o) [general] | | nein (o) [general] | |
| no (o) [exclamación] | | nein (o) [exclamación] | |
| no (n) | | nein (n) | |
| no (a) [determinativo - plural] | | keine (a) [determinativo - plural] | |
| no (n) | | kein (n) | |
| no (int adj) [used as a tag question] | | oder (int adj) [used as a tag question] | |
| no (adj) [causing obstacles or delay (of wind or weather)] | | ungünstig (adj) [causing obstacles or delay (of wind or weather)] | |