La búsqueda del término por eso ha obtenido 15 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
por eso (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] also (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
por eso (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] daher (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
por eso (adv) [consequently; by consequence] deswegen (adv) [consequently; by consequence]
por eso (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] deswegen (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
por eso (o) [adverbio] damit (o) [adverbio]
por eso (n) deshalb (n)
por eso (adv) [consequently; by consequence] deshalb (adv) [consequently; by consequence]
por eso (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] deshalb (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
por eso (adv) [consequently; by consequence] darum (adv) [consequently; by consequence]
por eso (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] darum (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
por eso (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] demzufolge (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
por eso (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] somit (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
por eso (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] demnach (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
por eso (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] mithin (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]
por eso (adv) [for that or this reason; for that] sonach (adv) [for that or this reason; for that]

ES DE Traducciones de por

por (o) [general] denn (o) [general]
por (conj prep) [because of] wegen (conj prep) [because of]
por (o) [razón] wegen (o) [razón]
por (n) nach (n)
por (adv prep conj adj) [in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing] nach (adv prep conj adj) [in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing]
por (prep adv adj n) [indicates a rule followed] nach (prep adv adj n) [indicates a rule followed]
por (n) an (n)
por (o) [dimensión] auf (o) [dimensión]
por (n) für (n)
por (o) [general] für (o) [general]

ES DE Traducciones de eso

eso jene
eso (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated] jene (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated]
eso jener
eso (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated] jener (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated]
eso jenes
eso (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated] jenes (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated]
eso er
eso (o) [pron. pers. - sujeto] es (o) [pron. pers. - sujeto]
eso sie
eso es