La búsqueda del término Reiz ha obtenido 13 resultados
DE Alemán ES Español
Reiz (n) {m} atractivo (n) {m}
Reiz (n) [Person] {m} atractivo (n) {m} [Person]
Reiz (n) [Pracht] {m} atractivo (n) {m} [Pracht]
Reiz (n) [Äußere] {m} atractivo (n) {m} [Äußere]
Reiz (n v) [the power to attract, entice; the quality causing attraction] {m} atractivo (n v) {m} [the power to attract, entice; the quality causing attraction]
DE Alemán ES Español
Reiz (n) [Person] {m} gracia (n) {f} [Person]
Reiz (n) [Pracht] {m} gracia (n) {f} [Pracht]
Reiz (n) [Person] {m} atracción (n) {f} [Person]
Reiz (n) [Person] {m} encanto (n) {m} [Person]
Reiz (n) [Pracht] {m} encanto (n) {m} [Pracht]
Reiz (n v) [the power to attract, entice; the quality causing attraction] {m} encanto (n v) {m} [the power to attract, entice; the quality causing attraction]
Reiz (n) [Äußere] {m} encanto (n) {m} [Äußere]
Reiz (n v) [the power to attract, entice; the quality causing attraction] {m} fascinación (n v) {f} [the power to attract, entice; the quality causing attraction]

'Traducciones del Alemán al Español

DE Sinónimos de reiz ES Traducciones
Versuchung [Verführung] f tentação {f}
Zauber [Verführung] m magia {f}
Anziehung [Verführung] f magnetismo {m}
Anfechtung [Verführung] f recurso {m}
Verlockung [Verführung] (f atrativo {m}
Leistung [Attraktion] f realização {f}
Besonderheit [Attraktion] f peculiaridade {f}
Gipfel [Attraktion] m ápice {m}
Krönung [Attraktion] f entronização {f}
Skandal [Attraktion] m escândalo {m}
Hit [Attraktion] m sucesso {m}
Angelegenheit [Attraktion] f questão {m}
Attraktion [Attraktion] f centro de atração {m}
Anziehungskraft [Attraktion] f magnetismo {m}
Anreiz [Attraktion] m magnetismo {m}
Sensation [Attraktion] f sensação {f}
Köder [Attraktion] m isca {f}
Magnet [Attraktion] m magneto {m}
Zugpferd [Attraktion] n cavalo de carroça {m}
Clou [Attraktion] m Prego