La búsqueda del término gronder ha obtenido 35 resultados
FR Francés ES Español
gronder (v) [désapprobation] reconvenir (v) [désapprobation]
gronder (n v) [to utter a deep guttural sound] gruñir (n v) [to utter a deep guttural sound]
gronder (v) [circulation] manejar sobre el límite de velocidad (v) [circulation]
gronder (v) [désapprobation] reñir (v) [désapprobation]
gronder (v) [réprouver] reñir (v) [réprouver]
FR Francés ES Español
gronder (v) [circulation] retumbar (v) [circulation]
gronder (int n v) [to make a low pitched noise] retumbar (int n v) [to make a low pitched noise]
gronder (v) [tonnerre] retumbar (v) [tonnerre]
gronder (v) [fusil] tronar (v) [fusil]
gronder (n v) [to make a groan] gruñir (n v) [to make a groan]
gronder (v) [réprouver] reconvenir (v) [réprouver]
gronder (n v adj) [to curse, to use offensive language] jurar (n v adj) [to curse, to use offensive language]
gronder (n v) [to make a groan] gemir (n v) [to make a groan]
gronder (v) [circulation] ir a toda velocidad (v) [circulation]
gronder (v) [circulation] ir a todo gas (v) [circulation]
gronder (v) [circulation] ir a toda pastilla (v) [circulation]
gronder (v) [circulation] ir como el alma que lleva el diablo (v) [circulation]
gronder (n v adj) [to curse, to use offensive language] maldecir (n v adj) [to curse, to use offensive language]
gronder (v) [réprouver] regañar (v) [réprouver]
gronder (v) [désapprobation] reprobar (v) [désapprobation]
gronder (v) [réprouver] reprobar (v) [réprouver]
gronder (v) [désapprobation] desaprobar (v) [désapprobation]
gronder (v) [réprouver] desaprobar (v) [réprouver]
gronder (v) [désapprobation] exhortar (v) [désapprobation]
gronder (v) [réprouver] exhortar (v) [réprouver]
gronder (v) [conduite] refunfuñar (v) [conduite]
gronder (v) [désapprobation] regañar (v) [désapprobation]
gronder (n v adj) [to curse, to use offensive language] echar (n v adj) [to curse, to use offensive language]
gronder (v) [désapprobation] reprender (v) [désapprobation]
gronder (v) [réprouver] reprender (v) [réprouver]
gronder (n v adj) [to require a child to remain at home] castigar (n v adj) [to require a child to remain at home]
gronder (n v adj) [to curse, to use offensive language] renegar (n v adj) [to curse, to use offensive language]
gronder (n v adj) [to curse, to use offensive language] blasfemar (n v adj) [to curse, to use offensive language]
gronder (v) [chien] gruñir (v) [chien]
gronder (v) [conduite] gruñir (v) [conduite]

'Traducciones del Francés al Español