La búsqueda del término abatido ha obtenido 28 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
abatido (a) [sentimiento] niedergeschlagen (a) [sentimiento]
abatido (adj) [severely despondent and unhappy] niedergedrückt (adj) [severely despondent and unhappy]
abatido (a) [deprimido] verzagt (a) [deprimido]
abatido (adj) [sad and dispirited] mutlos (adj) [sad and dispirited]
abatido (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage] mutlos (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage]
abatido (a) [deprimido] mutlos (a) [deprimido]
abatido (a) [deprimido] verzweifelt (a) [deprimido]
abatido (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage] traurig (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage]
abatido (adj) [severely despondent and unhappy] bedrückt (adj) [severely despondent and unhappy]
abatido (a) [estado emocional] bedrückt (a) [estado emocional]
abatido (a) [emoción] bedrückt (a) [emoción]
abatido (adj n v) [Sunk to a low condition; down in spirit or hope] kläglich (adj n v) [Sunk to a low condition; down in spirit or hope]
abatido (adj n v) [Sunk to a low condition; down in spirit or hope] jämmerlich (adj n v) [Sunk to a low condition; down in spirit or hope]
abatido (adj n v) [Sunk to a low condition; down in spirit or hope] elend (adj n v) [Sunk to a low condition; down in spirit or hope]
abatido (a) [emoción] deprimiert (a) [emoción]
abatido (adj) [sad and dispirited] niedergeschlagen (adj) [sad and dispirited]
abatido (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage] niedergeschlagen (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage]
abatido (a) [estado emocional] niedergeschlagen (a) [estado emocional]
abatido (adj) [severely despondent and unhappy] gedrückt (adj) [severely despondent and unhappy]
abatido (a) [sentimiento] gedrückt (a) [sentimiento]
abatido (a) [sentimiento] entmutigt (a) [sentimiento]
abatido (adj) [sad and dispirited] entmutigt (adj) [sad and dispirited]
abatido (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage] entmutigt (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage]
abatido (adj) [severely despondent and unhappy] deprimiert (adj) [severely despondent and unhappy]
abatido (a) [sentimiento] deprimiert (a) [sentimiento]
abatido (adj) [sad and dispirited] deprimiert (adj) [sad and dispirited]
abatido (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage] deprimiert (adj) [in low spirits from loss of hope or courage]
abatido (a) [estado emocional] deprimiert (a) [estado emocional]