La búsqueda del término clarividente ha obtenido 12 resultados
ES Español DE Alemán
clarividente (n) [futuro - hombre] {m} Wahrsager (n) {m} [futuro - hombre]
clarividente (n) [futuro - hombre] {m} Hellseher (n) {m} [futuro - hombre]
clarividente (n) [futuro - hombre] {m} Prophet (n) {m} [futuro - hombre]
clarividente (n) [futuro - hombre] {m} Weissager (n) {m} [futuro - hombre]
clarividente (a) [futuro] {m} vorausblickend (a) [futuro]
ES Español DE Alemán
clarividente (a) [futuro] {m} vorausschauend (a) [futuro]
clarividente (a) [futuro] {m} voraussehend (a) [futuro]
clarividente (v) {m} blicken (v)
clarividente (adj n) [able to foresee the future] {m} hellseherisch (adj n) [able to foresee the future]
clarividente (adj n) [able to see things that cannot be perceived by the normal senses] {m} hellseherisch (adj n) [able to see things that cannot be perceived by the normal senses]
clarividente (adj n) [of, or relating to clairvoyance] {m} hellseherisch (adj n) [of, or relating to clairvoyance]
clarividente (adj n) [able to foresee the future] {m} präkognitiv (adj n) [able to foresee the future] (adj n)
ES Sinónimos de clarividente DE Traducciones
augur [vidente] m Augur {m}
adivino [vidente] m Wahrsagerin {f}
adivinador [vidente] m Wahrsager {m}
clarividencia [clarividencia] f Hellseherei (n)
despabilado [perspicaz] quirlig
despierto [perspicaz] wach
despejado [perspicaz] frei
agudo [perspicaz] scharf
penetrante [perspicaz] tief
listo [perspicaz] smart
sagaz [claro] scharf
inteligente [claro] schlau
perspicaz [claro] scharf
sutil [claro] raffiniert
capaz [claro] fähig
lúcido [claro] scharfsichtig
astuto [sagaz] smart
profeta [adivino] m Prophet {m}
mago [adivino] m Hexenmeister (m)
nigromante [adivino] m Zauberer {m}