La búsqueda del término del mismo modo ha obtenido 2 resultados
| del (n adj adv) [of or pertaining to the south] | | südlich (n adj adv) [of or pertaining to the south] | |
| del (n adj) [of or pertaining to a creature or object existing in a woodland] | | Wald- (n adj) [of or pertaining to a creature or object existing in a woodland] | |
| del (n) | | des (n) | |
| del (n adj adv) [of or pertaining to the south] | | süd- (n adj adv) [of or pertaining to the south] | |
| mismo (n) | | selbst (n) | |
| mismo (o) [pron reflexivo. - recalcado - masculino] | | selbst (o) [pron reflexivo. - recalcado - masculino] | |
| mismo (adv adj pronoun) [similar, alike] | | gleich (adv adj pronoun) [similar, alike] | |
| mismo (a) | | nämlich (a) | |
| mismo (a) [general] | | dasselbe (a) [general] | |
| mismo (a) [palabra de intensificación] | | dasselbe (a) [palabra de intensificación] | |
| mismo (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical] | | selbe (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical] | |
| mismo (a) [general] | | derselbe (a) [general] | |
| mismo (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical] | | derselbe (adv adj pronoun) [not different as regards self; identical] | |
| mismo (a) [palabra de intensificación] | | derselbe (a) [palabra de intensificación] | |
| modo (n adv v) [method] {m} | | Methode (n adv v) {f} [method] | |
| modo (n) {m} | | Art (n) {f} | |
| modo (n) [in grammar, type of the relationship] {m} | | Art (n) {f} [in grammar, type of the relationship] | |
| modo (n) [manera] {m} | | Art (n) {f} [manera] | |
| modo (n adv v) [method] {m} | | Art (n adv v) {f} [method] | |
| modo (n) [uso] {m} | | Art (n) {f} [uso] | |
| modo (n) [manera] {m} | | Stil (n) {m} [manera] | |
| modo (n) [in grammar, type of the relationship] {m} | | Weise (n) {f} [in grammar, type of the relationship] | |
| modo (n) [manera] {m} | | Weise (n) {f} [manera] | |
| modo (n adv v) [method] {m} | | Weise (n adv v) {f} [method] | |